Support Us

Whether you are interested in conserving an artwork, improving access to our collections, supporting young people to achieve their career ambitions or helping us champion creativity in the community, there are many ways in which you can make a difference to our work.  


Please click here to make a donation.


Support us to preserve our collections for the future for everyone to enjoy. Your donation could help us conserve an artwork or research and publish the first catalogue of our Russian art collection.


Give a young person a helping hand by supporting a student or recent graduate to gain valuable skills through a professional placement or paid part-time employment at Dorich House Museum.


Help us champion the benefits of creativity in the community through our work with local schools and partners and our annual studio residency to support women’s creative practice.


We want everyone to be able to access and enjoy our unique spaces and collections. We welcome conversations with potential donors who are interested in helping us realise our ambitious long-term aim of installing a lift in our Grade-II listed building.   


We are always looking for committed and enthusiastic volunteers to join our team. Volunteers have an opportunity to get involved in a range of activities, from greeting visitors and supporting our events, to cataloguing, collections care and marketing. If you are interested in volunteering, please complete an Expression of Interest and send it to the Museum Coordinator by email or post.


Staging your event at Dorich House Museum helps support our museum programme. See our Hire page for further details. 


You can also help further our work by remembering Dorich House Museum in your will. An unrestricted gift will allow the museum to make use of your gift wherever the need is greatest, or you may wish to consider leaving a gift to support a specific area of our activity. To discuss leaving a gift in your will, please email


Help us make your gift go further. Gift Aid allows us to reclaim the basic rate of income tax on individual donations to the museum from HMRC. For eligible projects, this can boost the funding available by up to 25%. All Gift Aid reclaims for Dorich House Museum are made by Kingston University.

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